The film stars Ram Pothineni, Aadhi Pinisetty, and Krithi Shetty in the lead roles, with music composed by Devi Sri Prasad. The Warriorr, which has been made as a Tamil - Telugu bilingual, marks the Kollywood debut of Ram Pothineni.
The Indian express:
Lingusamy has repeated the same movie that he has been doing throughout his career with different actors and costumes, including the ‘loosu ponnu’ archetype. Whistle Mahalakshmi, played by Krithi Shetty, is just called in for service only during the dance numbers. And her character’s relevance to the narration is almost non-existent. Ram Pothineni as Sathya just tries to look cute in a doctor’s white robe and cop uniform. There is no room for him to do any acting. Aadhi Pinisetty as Guru has the only job of looking macho and menacing. The film asks very little of his talent.
Rating: 0.5/5
seasoned director suffers with second-half syndrome and the film failed at the script development stage itself. Despite good performances and nice songs, they can’t save the film owing to routine story and flat narration. Overall, The Warriorr is a case of ‘operation failed and patient dead’.
Bottom-line: War On Audience!
Rating: 2/5
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